About the Founder
Jennifer Prather, MATS
Hello & welcome! I would like to introduce myself. Ever since my Confirmation in the Catholic Church as a teenager, I have loved learning about my faith. Twenty years ago this love compelled me to seek a position to teach Theology at the high school level, a job I still love and do today at St. Joseph’s Academy in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Shortly after arriving in Baton Rouge I married my wonderful husband, Duffy. He and I currently reside in Denham Springs, Louisiana. While teaching full time at the Academy, I earned my masters degree, graduating summa cum laude, in Theological studies from Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, Louisiana.
During my studies, I fell further in love with my faith through many classes, papers and research regarding Christian anthropology. This research led me to create an original curriculum based on Saint John Paul II’s Man and Woman He Created Them, popularly known as Theology of the Body, called Image & Gift: Christian Anthropology Based on Theology of the Body.
My love for Christian anthropology also led me to the exciting endeavor of serving as a Research Scholar for the International Institute of Culture and Gender Studies, a position I served in for three years. Through my work for the Institute I continued my research with a particular focus on femininity and complementarity as well as gender identity.
In my personal formation I have been graced and enriched, but most of all have experienced the call from Jesus to work to bring Him to others through my membership of more than twenty years in the Community of Jesus Crucified.
All these experiences have made me passionate about bringing knowledge of the Catholic faith to anyone wishing to learn more and go deeper in their journey with Jesus.